Figuring Out If You Should Believe In Christianity or Not


Figuring Out If You Should Believe In Christianity or Not

The whole point of me writing this out isn’t to convince anyone of anything but to rather help simplify and focus other’s thoughts on why they believe or don’t believe in Jesus and Christianity so that they can feel confident in whatever they choose to believe. Because I think it’s as important for one to understand why you don’t believe in something as it is to understand why you do believe in something. And Christianity and spirituality can be hard to navigate without a good place to start...and really I just sit in my room and think about philosophical things too much and occasionally decide to write them down.


My Most Influential Albums of the Decade, Part I


My Most Influential Albums of the Decade, Part I

It’s crazy to think that the end of the decade is here! So much has changed over the past decade…especially in music! Spotify and Apple Music changed the way people listened to music. Kanye released an album only to constantly change it over time. And genres are living in hospice care.

On top of all that though, some of new favorite artists launched their careers; and with my 20s being quite the rollercoaster, there are a handful of albums that were the soundtracks to seasons of my life. I wanted to recap some of those albums because I still love albums and prefer listening through an album for the millionth time than listening to a single. Albums are art. A body of work. A musical painting telling a story or capturing a season of an artist’s life.

Here’s a list of the albums that had the most influence on me this decade, how they did, and why.


Why Am I Even Doing A Kickstarter?!


Why Am I Even Doing A Kickstarter?!

I don’t think I’ve ever procrastinated something more than launching this Kickstarter! I’ve had the description written out, the rewards set, the budget for the project so I could know what the goal needed to be, etc for over a year and a half.

So why did I put it off for so long?!?!


To Santa and Little Brothers: The Backstory


To Santa and Little Brothers: The Backstory

…I wanted to have flashbacks or lyric references to those defining moments like great movies do, but realized that it would be really hard to do in the span of one album… (you only have so many words to get the story out in music)… so the solution to this problem became the Coupe Cathedral EP Trilogy. The trilogy would be prequels to the album/mixtape and tell the story of the main character. The first installment of the trilogy is To Santa and Little Brothers. Where does the title, To Santa and Little Brothers, come from? It’s a reference to…


A Face-to-Face with Vulnerability


A Face-to-Face with Vulnerability

It’s funny how a picture from almost a year ago can represent so much for right now. There are so many challenges to being a creative or entrepreneur...the hours honing your craft, having a vision for where you want to go and what you want to create, the business side of things, etc… but the biggest challenge by far is the vulnerability it requires…


2018 Reflections: The Calvin Klein Calendar Edition


2018 Reflections: The Calvin Klein Calendar Edition

How did this picture even happen you might ask?

It was a cold, rainy day at Stoke (that’s a soccer joke for you close-minded Americans lol). It was indeed a cold day as I did everything but pack to go home. I mean I was excited to go home, see family, eat my mom’s cooking, and go to Orlando for Christmas, but I desperately needed someone to Wingardium Leviosa my clothes into my suitcase cuz ya boii wanted no part of that traveling Tetris game.


Carpe Motherf'ing Diem


Carpe Motherf'ing Diem

In the world, especially America, we have this idea and we’re told that we can be anything we want to be. And we have these big dreams of what we want to be and want to accomplish, but it says in the Bible that those who are faithful with the little things will be entrusted and faithful with the big things.


You Can Call Me 3 Chainz!


You Can Call Me 3 Chainz!

Since the beginning of the year I’ve worn three gold necklaces every day, varying in under vs over-the-shirt combinations. I very rarely leave the house without all of them on. And sometimes I wear every single chain even when I’m in the house cuz we….lol (I know you finished the line) Why you might ask? …


Thoughts of a Token Black Kid

Thoughts of a Token Black Kid

I typically don’t talk about race because most of my friends are white. I learned during college that even really smart and caring people can find it hard to understand that racism and prejudice still exist. They were taught that racism ended with the Civil Rights Movement (ha good one) when in reality it still exists. When I brought up examples, they argued that I was just making it up and stretching the truth to make it appear that I had been negatively stereotyped. After all, no one blatantly said they initially thought I was stupid. But you can ask any blonde white girl that it’s not that hard to know when someone thinks you’re dumb for no good reason at all....